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PDH Approval

  Professional Development Hours (PDH)

Approval Process For Training Providers to Have Your Course Approved by EAPA

Training providers are invited to apply for professional development hour (PDH) approval by the Employee Assistance Certification Commission (EACC).

The form and payment must be completed, and submitted with the appropriate fee at least 30 days before the training date. EACC approval cannot be granted once the training date has passed.

The EACC uses the term “Training Block” to refer to a single EA-related professional development event being submitted, regardless of whether the event is a conference session, workshop, course, training program, seminar, class or on-line training. Submitting four conference sessions, two seminars and two workshops, for instance, would constitute eight training blocks.

Applications and "block of training forms" must be filled out completely, including submission of learning objectives, a description of course/session content, and speaker bios. An initial date of training must be assigned even for ongoing webinars/series. Educational activities can only be approved for PDH credit in advance of the initial training date. Approvals are good for one year following the date of the Certificate of Approval.

If your training session is approved, the EACC will assign a job performance domain number and send you a letter of approval. All courses are approved for one year from the date of review and may be presented multiple times during that year.

Click here for PDH Pre-Approval application form

Preapproved are the CEAP Modules

The Domains Are:

Domain I: Employee Assistance Program Design, Administration and Management

Domain II: Employee Assistance Services to the Organization

Domain III: Employee Assistance Services to Employees and Family Members.

A certificate of completion, including the name of the sponsor, name of attendee, title of the course, EACC approval #, Domain, date completed, and number of approved PDHs, should be provided to all participants who complete a minimum of 85% of the event.

Stand-alone Educational Events:

Up to ten stand-alone educational events, or a small conference containing ten sessions or fewer may be submitted with a single PDH Approval Application. Each educational activity must be submitted on a separate "block of training form."

Conferences with More than Ten sessions:

Each educational activity within a conference is assigned a separate EACC approval number. Training providers may complete a block of training form for each session, email for simpler methods for approval. Appropriate fees apply, as per the table below.


EAPA Chapters/Branches


All Other Training Providers

$30 up to 10 blocks of training

$10 for each additional block of training

$100 for the all blocks of training


Contact Us

  • EAPA
  • 4350 North Fairfax Dr., Suite 740
  • Arlington, Virginia 22203
  • Phone: (703) 387-1000
  • Email Us
