Strategic Imperatives and Goals
October 11, 2022, revised November 8, 2022
Strategic Imperative #1: Deliver Strong, Effective, Diversified Programs and Services
Goal 1: Establish EAPA as the professional association of choice for all EAPs.
Objective 1: TBD
Objective 2: TBD
Goal 2: Conduct a global strategic review of all current programs, including but not limited to EAPA Annual Conference, Core Technology, in person and web-based programs, in response to the shifting external environment.
Objective 1: Assess alignment of current programs and services with identified needs and trends.
Objective 2: Modify or retire current programs and services which are or will soon become out of alignment with identified needs and trends.
Goal 3: Conduct a global environmental scan to identify sector gaps in programs or services, which might be met by EAPA, in response to the shifting external environment
Objective 1: Assess alignment of EAPA skills, abilities, and capacity with identified unmet sector needs.
Objective 2: Modify current programs and services, as needed, to align with identified current sector needs.
Objective 3: Develop and launch new programs and services which align with identified future sector needs.
Goal 4: Brand and position CEAP as a highly regarded, sought-after, and recognizable indicator of professional excellence for EAPs.
Objective 1: Conduct a review of the mental health community to determine the status and understanding of the CEAP credential currently.
Objective 2: Determine how other organizations and associations promote and monitor their credentials.
Goal 5: Gather, analyze, and disseminate outcomes data which communicates EAP cost/benefit, impact, and success.
Objective 1: TBD: Environmental scan - what data sets are needed, what data is currently gathered and disseminated by others.
Objective 2: TBD: Capacity assessment: What data sets can EAPA gather and disseminate? How, when?
Strategic Imperative #2: Strengthen Infrastructure for Sustainability
Goal 1: Ensure EAPA membership options at all levels reflect diverse, equitable, and inclusive options, which reinforce the culture of belonging.
Objective 1: Monitor alignment of revised membership levels, cost, and benefits with identified trends, needs, and preferences.
Objective 2: Propose adjustments if and as needed.
Goal 2: Ensure the EAPA chapter and branch structure reflects
cultural competence, effectively implements the mission, and
achieves the strategic priorities though support and accountability.
Objective 1: Assess alignment of the EAPA chapter and branch structure to meet the mission and achieve strategic priorities, consistent with member needs,
and capacity. Modify as needed.
Objective 2: Assess alignment of current chapter and branch services to meet the mission and achieve strategic priorities, consistent with chapter and
branch leadership needs, and capacity. Modify as needed.
Goal 3: Effectively integrate and maximize all available revenue streams.
Objective 1: TBD
Objective 2: TBD
Goal 4: Align the EAPA budget with tactics which successfully operationalize and implement the mission and strategic priorities.
Objective 1: TBD
Objective 2: TBD
Goal 5: Ensure board and staff structures and members are highly qualified, diverse, equitable, and inclusive.
Objective 1: Attract, elect, and engage highly qualified candidates to the Board of Directors.
Objective 2: Attract, hire, and engage highly qualified staff to effectively operationalize and implement the mission and strategic priorities.
Goal 6: Acquire and utilize technology systems to support all aspects of governance and operations.
Objective 1: TBD
Objective 2: TBD
Strategic Imperative #3: Broaden Engagement to Grow Reach and Impact
Goal 1: Increase EAPA brand presence and understanding for wider recognition, global appeal, cross generational appeal and to position EAPA as the organization of choice for EAPs by positioning EAPA as a strategic partner and the authoritative voice for EAPs, as well as EA program services and benefits.
Objective 1: Assess and review current EAPA brand awareness, impact and understanding with key stakeholders including but not limited to EAPA members,
potential future EAPA members, nonmember EAPs, the general public, CEOs, human resources office and benefits brokers.
Objective 2: Develop and implement the optimal EAPA branding plan including but not limited to brand identity, promise, values, targeting and positioning to implement the mission and strategic priorities with all key stakeholders.
Goal 2: Structure, focus, and expand advocacy engagement with government, professional, corporate, academic, and other key constituencies.
Objective 1: TBD
Objective 2: TBD
Goal 3: Collaborate with and communicate effectively and appropriately between and among key constituencies to advance and influence the understanding, structure and utilization of EA services and programs.
Objective 1: Strengthen relationships with current industry association partners and stakeholders that influence the understanding, structure and utilization
of EA services and programs.
Objective 2: Build relationships, with new industry association partners and stakeholders that influence the understanding, structure and utilization
of EA services and programs.