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Elevating Ethical Awareness

Elevating Ethical Awareness

What is Presented?

Required for all CEAP candidates and to renew the CEAP credential

Course facilitated by: Taught by Employee Assistance Certification Commission members

PDH approval: 2 PDHs in Domain I
CE Contact Hours: 2

The EA professional’s dual role of providing services to both the work organization and individual employee clients provides ample opportunity for application of an ethical decision-making model. On a larger scale, owners and administrators of EAPs also face ethical dilemmas as they design, market and compete for business. This ethics course is designed to enhance your understanding of EAP ethics in the context of the EAPA Code of Ethics and the EACC Code of Conduct. 

Learning Objectives:
1) Discuss the role and significance of ethics in professional practice;
2) Apply the EAPA Code of Ethics and the EACC Code of Conduct to ethical decision making; 
3) Utilize the recommended ethical decision-making model in EA practice.

Who Presents?

 For more information on the EACC please go to


$100 Members

$200 Non Members

What are the dates for future courses for EEA?

January 16, 2025 from 1:00 pm - 3:00 PM ET SOLD OUT (Please email for an extension of your CEAP deadline)

March 26, 2025 from 1:00 - 3:00 PM ET CLICK HERE

June 18, 2025 from 1;00-3:00 PM ET CLICK HERE
December 4, 2025 from 1:00-3:00 PM ET CLICK HERE
IN PERSON at San Francisco Conference Thursday October 9, 2025 7-9 PM PT  Registration TBD

How Do I Register?

Registration is EASY!  Just register by clicking below.  Space is limited to register today!

PDHs will be awarded for attendance at this event.

Elevating Ethical Awareness FAQ:

At the Portland Expo in October 2023, Chapter Presidents were introduced to an upcoming change to the Ethics requirement for CEAP renewals. Since then, details of this change have been finalized by the EACC and EAPA boards of directors. This document outlines those
specifics and frequently asked questions.

What hasn’t changed?
60 hours of PDHs are required every 3 years to renew a CEAP.
Of those 60 hours, 2 hours must be in Ethics.

What’s the new requirement?
EAPA’s Elevating Ethical Awareness (EEA) course is required to fulfill the 2 hours of Ethics.

When does this take effect?
January 1, 2025. All CEAP renewals on or after this date are subject to the new requirement.

Why the change?

Two reasons:
1) To maintain the integrity and consistency of the ethics training that all CEAPs receive. Unlike other ethics trainings, EEA is focused on the ethical issues that apply specifically to the EA profession. Shifting this required ethics course “in-house” ensures that each renewal cycle,
all CEAPs receive EA-specific ethics training supported by the EACC, the policy-making body that oversees the CEAP certification. The Employee Assistance Certification Commission (EACC) researched and developed the original EEA course and revised both the Code of Ethics and the Elevating Ethical Awareness course in 2023. The EACC Ethics Committee will approve any subsequent updates to the material to ensure a consistent training in EA ethics is disseminated to all CEAPs going forward.

2) To raise needed revenue for EAPA.
As chapter presidents learned from EAPA’s CEO last year, EAPA’s financial circumstances last summer hit a crisis point, where staff were furloughed and EAPA was close to closing its doors. The registration fees collected by bringing EEA “in-house” will generate needed revenue for EAPA.

What does the EEA course cost?
$100 for EAPA members
$200 for non-EAPA members

Who are the EEA trainers?
Currently, members of the EACC facilitate these trainings.

Are the trainers paid?

What about PDH and CEUs?
The EEA course is approved for 2 PDHs.
The EEA course is not intended to fulfill an ethics requirement of clinical licensure boards (LCSW, LMFT, LPC, LP) which each has its own code of ethics that is not specific to EA work.

As a chapter president, I’ve been able to offer an annual ethics training to chapter members. Will I still be able to do that with the new EEA?
Possibly in the future. The EACC is considering a vetting and train-the-trainer process. Stay tuned.

Will the fee be reduced if/when chapters are able to offer EEA in the future?
No. The $100 per member fee paid to EAPA would not change. Individual chapters might have the option to absorb some or all of these fees for their members, or charge a premium above EAPA’s fee, at their discretion.

Will chapters still be able to offer ethics courses for PDHs that aren’t EEA?
Yes, if submitted and approved through the standard process. These courses would no longer fulfill the ethics requirement of each CEAP renewal cycle, but could be used for any of the other 58 PDHs required every 3 years.


Contact Us

  • EAPA
  • 4350 North Fairfax Dr., Suite 740
  • Arlington, Virginia 22203
  • Phone: (703) 387-1000
  • Email Us
