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Domestic Violence
program look like?

Domestic Violence hiding in the workplace: Tools for an EAP to identify and support

What is Presented?

This program is an education/empowerment model that helps your audience members understand the multiple levels of an organization that can experience domestic violence and how a survivor or victim impacts each level. We explore various types of abuse and how audience members can listen and look for domestic violence. We conclude by empowering audience members with external resources that can help victims and ideas for organizations to implement internally.  

Course facilitated by: 

Dr. Jennifer Gardella  is on a mission to educate everyone on the red flags and signs of abuse that go beyond physical harm. Jennifer is a survivor of vicious domestic violence at the hands of a sadistic abuser.  During her healing journey, she realized the extensive nature of domestic violence and knows education is a significant part of the solution.    

PDH approval: 1.5 PDHs   Contact Hours: 1.5

Who Presents?

About the Presenter: Dr. Jennifer Gardella

Dr. Jennifer  Gardella is on a mission to educate everyone on the red flags and signs of abuse that go beyond physical harm. Jennifer is a survivor of vicious domestic violence at the hands of a sadistic abuser.  During her healing journey, she realized the extensive nature of domestic violence and knows education is a significant part of the solution.    

Dr. Gardella was shocked to realize that domestic violence does not just impact the victims and survivors but ALL levels of support and ALL levels of your organization.  

Through her personal experience, healing journey, and advocacy training, Jennifer connects with and empowers your employees to recognize the signs of domestic violence and appropriately help victims, survivors, and their support teams.  

Author of “Domestic Violence Awareness: Listen for the Whispers of Abuse,” Jennifer is a sought-after speaker who has appeared at events and fundraisers for A Woman’s Place and BW Nice and most recently trained an NFL football team office staff. 

Dr. Gardella graduated from Fordham University, where she majored in the fun of New York City. She then received a PhD in Educational Psychology and Statistics from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.  Jennifer is a trained advocate by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV) and works with victims and survivors, leading educational programs and support groups.  

Learning Objectives

  1. Awareness - where does domestic hide in the workplace?  The layers of people impacted.
  2. Education - what are the different types of abuse and how do we recognize them
  3. Empowerment - What resources are available for victims, survivors, and their support people


$79 Members

$109 Non Members

What are the dates for future courses?

April 22, 2025 from 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM ET 
How Do I Register?

Registration is EASY!  Just register by clicking below.  Space is limited to register today!

PDHs will be awarded for attendance at this event.

To register Click Here   


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  • EAPA
  • 4350 North Fairfax Dr., Suite 740
  • Arlington, Virginia 22203
  • Phone: (703) 387-1000
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